Friday, August 22, 2008

More about Clio

Sabina called yesterday after dinner, telling me that Clio has been picked up by her new hostess several minutes ago. Her new home is two swedish miles south of Gothenburg.
She comforted me that I've made the right choice, all these are inevitable because of my allergy, but I still couldn't help bursting into tears when recalling the look in Clio's eyes when she placed it on me.
But she is going to have a garden. She is going to have a five year old little girl playing with her. She is going to be happy. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Au Revoir Clio

The fourth day upon Clio's arrival, I have to send her back to Sabina because of my allergy. 

Clio is such a sweet heart. Since the very first day, she already started to rely on my appearance.
Everyday when I came back home, she ran out from under the bed and wandered around me. When I was out of her sight for a while, she started to look for me. When she wanted to play with me, she came to my leg and gently scratched it, or just called me by her low voice. She became attached to me, sometimes when she wanted to reach something high, she climbed up my leg and used it as a jump board.  She has never committed anything bad, she always does it under my eyelid so I have a chance to make her right. 

She fell asleep in my arms  after a long trip from home to office, I touched her and called her Clio, she was replying with her happy noise. 

I'm more than sad. This is the one but I'm not able to hug her, to kiss her, or even to be with her.  

Au revior Clio. Hope you'll be happy in your new home.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

First Day

Clio is totally not shy, after pretending to be so under the bed for only 15 minutes, I succeeded in seducing her with the neck ring.
By the night, she already started to lick my hands.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bonjour, Clio

Clio is coming in two days.

Name: Clio
Gender: Female
Birthday: 2008.5.21
Horoscope: Gemini